Spray foam insulation

Sprayfoam is The Most Superior Insulation in the Market



Sprayfoam Insulation vs All Other Insulation

No other insulation can do what spray foam insulation f installed by an experienced contractor it can seal every inch of space, creating an absolute air tight envelop for you project, and ultimately lowering your energy bills by 30%-50%. This is why spray foam pays off itself over the years.

Air seals  every inch of space.
Can reach the tightest areas of a house
No or minimized air leaks
Lowers  the chances of mould in the future
Adds structural strength to the frame
Greater home comfort
Greatly reduces HVAC system requirements
Reduces Noise
Build in  vapour barrier after 2” of 2lb sprayfoam installed.
Contractoris licensed by 3rd Party
Contractor  must provide product and installation data sheet to city inspector and client
Greater  upfront investment, but the cost savings from sprayfoam pays itself off over  the years!
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Batt Insulation
Cannot air  seal all spaces properly
Cannot  reach tight and odd framing areas
Much greater air leaks through electrical outlets, HVAC and plumbing openings
Greatly prone to moulding if not installed properly
Much lower R-value per inch
Does not  add structural strength
Lower  home comfort due to inconsistency in temperatures
Doesnot reduce HVAC requirements nearly at the level of spray foam
Doesnot reduce noise
Requiresan approved 6 mil vapour barrier installation on top of the batt, all electric,plumbing, and HVAC opening need to be covered with sheathing tapes, installacoustical sealant on framing gaps. Results in air leaks.
Contractor  does not require any licensing
Contractor  does not provide product and installation data sheet to inspector or client
Cheaper  initially, however long term it’s more expensive
Greater  upfront investment, but the cost savings from sprayfoam pays itself off over  the years!
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30-50% Savings in Energy Bills!

Insulation is one of the most important components of a building that impacts the comfort levels and operating costs to its end users. If a house is sprayfoamed properly by a professional contractor, the end user can experience a 30-50% reduction in their energy bills! These savings are so great that Sprayfoam Tends to Pay itself Off Over the Years!

Sprayfoam Insulation is the Choice of Home Owners, Builders, and Investors

Increasing number of homeowners and builders are opting to build homes with sprayfoam instead of regular batt insulation. They realize that a well-insulated house will pay itself off over the years, result in 30-50% lower operating heating and cooling costs, will greatly increase the comfort level of the homes, and will ultimately result in higher resale values. Investment savvy builders realize that sprayfoaming their entire builds will result is much lower operating costs, dramatically increasing the Return On Investment, increase the value of their investment.

Areas That Should
Always Be

Sprayfoam insulation can reach tight areas and work around odd framings. In fact, building code is now calling for 2lb sprayfoam insulation in the Toronto area for new builds.


Ductwork on garage ceilings

Ductwork inside a garage ceiling must be covered with at least 2” of 2lb sprayfoam insulation. This will ensure no the temperature inside the duct is well maintained.

Basement exterior walls

Building code in Toronto and GTA is now calling for basement foundation walls to be insulation with 2lb sprayfoam insulation

Waterlines on exterior walls through the house

An experienced contractor will always advise their potential clients to sprayfoam the waterlines found on the exterior wall of the house. This will ensure you don’t have cold showers in the winters!

Duct work inside attic

Sprayfoaming the attic duct is also a fantastic choice as no air will leak from ducts and temperatures of the HVAC system will be well maintained throughout the hot summers and cold winters.


If client opts for batt insulation, a great contractor will advise them to at least sprayfoam the joist pockets.  Sprayfoam will easily coverall tight areas and work well around the odd framing of joist pockets, resulting in complete air leak.

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Why Homeowners and Builders Choose SULTAN Contractors for Their Insulation Projects?

Every year, growing number of homeowners and builders put their trust on SULTAN Contractors for their insulation projects.

1. They understand that insulation is one of the most important components of a building and only professionals should handle the task of properly insulating the building – from top to bottom, every inch of space!  

2. With over 15 years of experience SULTAN Contractors has earned the reputation for its unmatched customer service and for excellent workmanship.

3. Our installers are highly experienced and carry up to date licensing required for sprayfoam insulation. 

Fully Insured

Professional Team

On-Time Completion



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Focused On
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Our Promise To You

Our goal is to earn your complete satisfaction by ensuring that you have an outstanding experience with us. You will find us to be exceptionally professional and friendly from the day we meet, throughout the project, the day we deliver and post-completion. Our sales pros and project managers will ensure that you understand our proposed plan and how we will execute it. We will be at your disposal to answer any questions related to your project at all times. Sultan's service comes with product warranties and a satisfaction guarantee, we fully understand your expectations of reliability, quality and accountability. You will always find us to be exceeding all of your expectations.