FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions


Do you work on high-end custom homes?


Do you work with builders and general contractors?


Do you have any client references?


How long has Sultan Contractors been in business?


Do you offer free estimates and consultation?

Insulation Questions


How thick do basement exterior wall sprayfoam need to be?


Can Sprayfoam Insulation Be Left Exposed?


Is Sprayfoam Insulation Vapour Barrier?


What r-value do I need in my basement exterior walls?


Do you need to cover sprayfoam insulation or can it be left exposed?


Can I sprayfoam myself?


What areas of my house should I insulate?


My floor above the garage ceiling is cold, what should I do?


What are the benefits of sprayfoam insulation?


How much does insulation cost?


What areas need to be covered with insulation?


What types of insulation do you offer?


Why is insulation important?

Drywall Questions


What type of drywall of is installed in the bathrooms?


What thickness drywall should I use?


What type of drywall to install in my house?


Do you use foreign / imported drywall?


What type of drywall should be used in shower / bathrooms?


What is fire-rated drywall?

Looking For Drywall & Insulation Services in Toronto?

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