
Sprayfoam is the Best Insulation for Basement Exterior Walls

Sprayfoam insulation is by far the most superior insulation method in the market today for basements. When installed by an experienced and professional contractor, sprayfoam will provide the following;

Air seal every inch of your basement’s exterior wall

Create a moisture and vapour barrier

Add tremendous structural strength to the foundation wall

Decrease the chances of water leakage into the basement

Increases the comfort of your basement

Lower your monthly heating and cooling expenses

Other methods of insulation such as batt, rigid boards, and blankets stand at no comparison with sprayfoam. These methods do not add structural strength, do not air seal the walls completely, and have high chances of getting mould. As a result, these ineffective methods end up costing you more than sprayfoam over the years!



Sprayfoam Insulation vs Fiberglass

When installed by an experienced contractor, sprayfoam insulation expands into the tightest areas and can seal every inch of area. This creates an air and vapour barrier for your basement exterior wall which no other insulation method can provide. Comparatively, fiberglass insulation is an outdated and ineffective method of insulation. It requires installers to install the batts into the frame, cover the batts with an approved vapour barrier, and then tape and seal all the openings of electrical outlets, HVAC and plumbing openings, around windows and doors, and the accidental cuts in the vapour barrier. 

Every non-sealed area during batt installation could end up costing you thousands of dollars in the long run in heating and cooling expenses and  lower your home comfort. This issue is non-existent when sprayfoam is installed since the foam expands in all directions, covers all areas that is contacts, and create an air and vapour barrier.

No air leaks!
Moisture  and vapour barrier
Virtually  no chances of getting mould
Has very  high R-value per inch
Gives  tremendous strength to the areas that are sprayfoamed
Very high  home comfort
Installer  is required to be licensed by 3rd Party
Contractor  is obligated to provide product and installation data to client and inspector
Batt Insulation
Air leaks  continuously through electrical, HVAC, and pluming openings. Tight and odd  framing areas will also leak air.
Does not  perform well as moisture and vapour barrier
Very high  chances of getting mould
Low  R-value per inch
Does not give  any structural strength
Low home  comfort due to temperature inconsistency  
Contractor  requires no training or licensing by a 3rd party
Contractor  does not submit product or data sheet to client or inspector
Doesnot reduce noise
Requiresan approved 6 mil vapour barrier installation on top of the batt, all electric,plumbing, and HVAC opening need to be covered with sheathing tapes, installacoustical sealant on framing gaps. Results in air leaks.
Contractor  does not require any licensing
Contractor  does not provide product and installation data sheet to inspector or client
Cheaper  initially, however long term it’s more expensive
Greater  upfront investment, but the cost savings from sprayfoam pays itself off over  the years!

Insulation = Lower Energy Bills!

When you insulate your basement with sprayfoam there will be virtually zero air leakage as the exterior envelop is air tight. This results in huge energy savings as lower capacity of HVAC system is required to maintain the temperature of the basement!  This is the reason why increasing numbers if owners and builders are sprayfoaming the basements. The cost savings eventually Pay the Cost of Sprayfoam Off Over the Years!

Basement Sprayfoam Insulation is the Choice of Home Owners and Builders

A growing number of homeowners, general contractors, and builders are choosing to insulate their projects with sprayfoam instead of batt insulation. This is because a house that is sprayfoamed results in lower energy bills, greatly increases the comfort level of the homes, increases the re-sale values of the homes, is environmentally friendly, and will ultimately cost you less then batt insulation in the long-run. 

Basement Areas That
Should Always Be Sprayfoamed

Building code in Toronto and GTA are now calling for basement foundation walls to be insulation with 2lb sprayfoam insulation

Basement exterior walls

Joist/Beam Pockets

A mindful contractor will always advise clients to sprayfoam the joist pockets of their exterior walls. Joist pockets are very difficult and tight areas to insulate. Batt insulation doesn't seal the tight joist framing properly. However, sprayfoam will easily cover all tight areas and work well around the odd framing of joist pockets because it expands to fill the areas it contacts, resulting in complete air seal. This is why we advise all our clients to sprayfoam the joist pockets instead of batt insulation.

Waterlines on exterior walls through the house

An experienced contractor will always advise their potential clients to sprayfoam the waterlines installed on the exterior walls of the house. This will ensure you don’t have cold showers in the winters!

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Advantage of Working with SULTAN Contractors

For your next insulation project, call SULTAN Contractors for a free consultation appointment. Our estimators will guide you through the insulation process, the costs and benefits of various insulation products, and how SULTAN Contractors can help you insulate your house properly resulting in large savings in the long run.

SULTAN Contractors has over 15 years of solid experience in the insulation field. We have built a reputation for great quality workmanship and professionalism. Our installers are licensed, experienced, and insured. This is the reason why a growing number of homeowners, builders, and general contractors are putting their trust on Sultan Contractors for all their sprayfoam projects.

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